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   apvp a-pvp for sale online,research chemical a-pvp top quality Cas No: 902324-25-5  (продам)


Alpha-PVP Crystals (α-PVP, Alpha-PVP, α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone or flakka) is a synthetic stimulant and pyrovalerone. It is found in the plant of eastern Africa. Generally, crystalline powder or large crystal shards. It can be somewhat similar to that of amphetamine and cocaine.

Alpha-PVP Crystals have been subject to much scrutiny by the media. It is commonly produced as a research chemical through online vendors.


It  can be described as spontaneous tactile sensations - the “body high” of α-PVP. It is capable of becoming overwhelming at higher dosage. Once it reaches the peak it has reached.

Stimulation  –––––––––––––––––– This encourages activities such as running, climbing and dancing. It can be described as forced. It keeps you still. Subsequently, jaw clenching, involuntarily bodily shakes and vibrations become present. Thus, it results in extreme lack of motor control.

Vibrating vision  - A person's eyeballs can begin to spontaneously wise. This is a condition known as nystagmus.

Dehydration -  Dry mouth and dehydration are a universal experience with α-PVP. This product leads to an increase in heart rate and extreme motivation. It is important to avoid becoming dehydrated, especially when it comes to the environment. There is a possibility of overflowing. It is advised that users simply sip water and never over drink.

Difficulty urinating  - it is a problem. This effect is completely temporary and harmless.

It  is considered that it is considered to be a vasoconstriction of α-PVP.


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