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Головна  >  Товари  >  Продукти харчування  >  М'ясо, птиця, м'ясопродукти  >  natural casings,salted hog casings,salted sheep ca

   natural casings,salted hog casings,salted sheep ca  (продам)

We are a professional producer of natural sausage casings in China. We manufacture fresh salted hog casings and sheep casings of all calibers and lengths and have been exporting many countries in Europe.

If you would like to import good quality sausage casings with very competitive prices, we’d be very happy to cooperate with you.

Salted Hog Casings,Salted Sheep Casings, etc
Packing: 150 hanks of hog casings in one cask;
500 hanks of sheep casings in one cask; or upon demand.
Other products: hog bladders,hog chitterings,fatends,stomachs,e tc
Products character: Strong texture; natural colors; all calibers available; fresh salted;
with or without soft or hard plastic tubes upon demand.

For detailed info about our products/enterprise, pls visit our website www.casingexport.com

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