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Продаем свои станки
Продаем: гильотину 4х2500мм, гор. – фрез. 6Н81Г, ток. – винт. 1М61, ток. – винт. особо высокой
Многофункциональный вертикальный фрезерный центр
Организация предлагает: Многофункциональн ый вертикальный фрезерный центр с ЧПУ KV-1000. Техничес
ДЕШЕВО!! Абразив.инструмент - отрезка ф300, 400
Продам отрезные круги: -вулканитовые: 300х3х 32 - 12000шт, 400х4х32 - 5000шт, -бакелитовые: 180х3х
Мерительный и металлорежущий инструмент
Продаем фрезы отрезные, концевые, шпоночные, монолитные, червячные, развертки ручные, метчики гаечны
Продам буровой инструмент
ООО "Семфлекс" реализует буровой инструмент: коронки КНШ 110, КДП 40, КДП 43, КДП 32, КДП 36. шт
Diagnosis and repair of explosion-proof fans.
Diagnosis and repair of explosion-proof fans.

According to the interstate standard GOST 30852.9-2002 "Electric equipment hardened, part 10, the classification of hazardous areas" fans, as they are one of the sources of gas dilution or steam with air and the primary source of the creation of an explosive mixture ...

Diagnosis, service and repair of fans smoke.
Diagnosis, service and repair of fans smoke.

smoke exhaust fans are used to move air in and exhaust ventilation systems are designed to remove smoke-air mixture formed in a fire. As the fan drive device smoke normally used on motor shaft is put impeller. The impeller has various kinds of embodiment.   This ...

Monitoring of the technical state of the diagonal fan.
Monitoring of the technical state of the diagonal fan.

      Ventilation is one of the main production systems to ensure the safety and comfort in the workplace. To ensure the effective operation of the ventilation systems required to carry out periodic inspection, adjustment and adjustment of the fan. The proposed ...

Reliability of low and high pressure fans
Reliability of low and high pressure fans

In the modern industrial world fan got extensive application in various industries. The data device is used almost everywhere, there is a device using a fan in every apartment. There is a great many kinds of fans, they are divided according to the principle of ...

Modern methods of diagnostics of cyclones
Modern methods of diagnostics of cyclones

Before we start talking about the diagnosis of cyclones, I offer very briefly say that, but what is a cyclone. Cyclone - air cleaner used in industry for cleaning of gases or liquids from suspended particles. Cleaning principle of inertia (with centrifugal force) ...